Bobby Garon (1994-1997)
Garrett's Cousins      Garrett's Friends

Bobby lived with us while we were in Anchorage. After living in Alaska for over six years and had no pets at all, we considered getting a cat. We saw two cats during a party at the company president's home. They were so comfortable with all the people at the party that we commented on what great cats they would be to live with.

Several months later, the president and his wife were looking for a home for their two cats. They were moving back to England and did not want the cats to suffer through the six months of quarantine required to bring a cat into England. So we volunteered and ended up with two cats, Bobby and Sammy.

Bobby unfortunately died of a stroke after a couple of years while we were still in Alaska.

The darker cat shown with Bobbie is his good friend and house mate Sammy.

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