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Garon - Kaner/Karon/Canner - Horwitz - Lieberman/Kremen - Hertz - Fritchell - Tatkin - Pasternack/Poster

Cookbooks Compiled from Favorite Recipes
Submitted by the Jews of Duluth

A listing of Cookbooks with cover pictures, information and summaries.
These cookbooks were created from recipes submitted by the Jews of the Greater Duluth Area.
The cookbooks were sold for fund raising.
Click on the links for pdf versions of the books.

1907 - Temple Cook Book - Temple Emanuel of Duluth - by Miss Elsie Silberstein
                   cook book (68 page pdf file)      cover image      title page image      contents page image      news article about the book     
                   historical document - historical compilation that includes the cookbook except for the book's cover page (pdf file)
                   courtesy of Len Traubman

1929 - Cook Book - CHOICE RECIPIES - compiled by Hortense Bondy
                   Distributed by Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel - Duluth, Minnesota - 1929    (contributors not identified)
                   "In this book are contained many recipies from practice gained. If my efforts bring you pleasure, then my joy will have full measure."
                   full book (132 pages) - - - index only - - book and scanning courtesy of Peggy Davis Chun

1948 - Council Cookery - Favorite Recipies of your Favorite People
                   Published by the Duluth Section, National /council of Jewish Women - August 1948
                   Cook Book Committee: Mrs S S Berdie, Mrs S Levenson, Mrs E Goldfine, Mrs Benn P Myzel
                   full book (67 pages) - - - just the cover and intro pages - - book and scanning courtesy of Peggy Davis Chun

1963 - Cook Book - by Sisterhood of the Jewish Educational Center and Ida Cook Hebrew School, Duluth
                   Introduction text from the book:
                   "The simplist meal is a feast, when shared, if with loving hands the food is prepared"
                   "The following recipes were submitted by the finest cooks int he world ..... the members of Center Sisterhood."
                   full book (69 double pages) - - - just the cover page - - book courtesy of Mrs. Bert Garon

1981 - Hot Off The Range - Compiled by The Jewish Women of the Hibbing-Chisholm Hadassah
                   just the cover page - - also an earlier version from 1971 - - Coming soon.

                more coming soon

Summary of what was promised to be coming soon:

From Peggy: I have the following, which I can scan for you:

1. "Choice Recipes", compiled by Hortense Bondy, Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel, 1929 (contributors not identified) - - - DONE - SEE ABOVE

2. "Council Cookery", Favorite Recipes of Your Favorite People, Duluth Section, National Council of Jewish Women, 1948. - - - DONE - SEE ABOVE

3. "Hot Off the Range", Hibbing-Chisholm Chapter of Hadassah, Hibbing, MN, 1971.

4. "Cookbook Temple Israel Sisterhood, 1982. (contributors named in a group listing, not at specific recipes)

5. "Eat! Something Already", Temple Israel, Duluth, 2012. (This is still for sale. I don't think it would be good to post this one, yet. It will interfere with the fund raising.)

A couple of sample pages from Peggy: JEC March 1965 Page 1 - JEC March 1965 Page 2
I asked my Mom about those pages. It was from a cooking demo that ladies were invited to give at JEC. They were the recipe hand-outs.

More from Peggy: I had a chance to look at the cookbooks my Mom has. There are some that are still packed away. We'll try to look for those at a later time. The ones she has and uses are:

1. "Adventures in Jewish Cooking", Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Jewish Community, 4th edition, 1978.

2. "What's Cookin'", B'Nai B'rith Women, Duluth, MN, not dated, recipes not identified by contributors.

3. "New Kosher Cookbook", Women's League, Beth El Synagogue, Minneapolis, MN, not dated.

4. Passover Cookbook with Cover page missing, but believed to be from Minneapolis Talmud Torah, unknown date.

We have a cookbook called "Choice Recipes" by Hortense Polinksy from the Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel that was published in 1929.
Kate Dietrick -
Assistant Archivist, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives

Cookbooks coming soon to this website.

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Created by:   Allan@Garon.us

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Page created Apr 20014